Journal Project: Write Your Athletic Story


On life’s journey we all need time to sit down, quiet our minds and see where we’ve been and where we’d like to go. Accidental Athlete’s Amy Moritz and UR sportswear’ Jacalyn Gross have teamed up to help us discover the athlete within while having some fun with our goals. We encourage you to follow along with your own notebooks, sketchbooks or the back of your grocery receipt (hey whatever works!) or purchase your journals here for a dedicated spot to your work . There will be weekly questions designed to help you chisel away at what you ultimately want as an athlete.

Writing down our  ideas, dreams and even our fears is a tangible way to deal with them. We can address our hangups, celebrate our victories and discover what it is we really want to achieve. Each week, we will provide a new topic with prompts for you to explore in your journal. It’s a way for all of us to connect with our athlete, whether she’s elite or starting a Couch-to-5K program, and learn the wisdom she has to share with us.

1 Comments on “Journal Project: Write Your Athletic Story

  1. Pingback: Athletic Journaling: Stumbling blocks – The Accidental Athlete

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