Fitness Friday: Putting the FUN in RUN

One of my dear friends gave me a call this week to check in and see how I was doing (a practice I’ve been trying to do with friends and family as well).

We talked a bit about how I was doing mentally and emotionally and it came up in our conversation that thank goodness I have running and the outdoors. It’s as if leaning into my inner athlete, accidentally finding my athletic self, set up me up beautifully for just this moment. Exercise can be a critical component of self-care. And while some days it’s hard to put on a sports bra and get out the front door, the second I start moving I’m overjoyed to be moving.

Meanwhile another friend, Heather, set up a private Facebook group: My April Running Story. It’s a “challenge” and “challenge” is a loose term because it’s really just something FUN to do with running — or walking or just moving your body — every day in April. It’s not so much about accomplishing anything as it is about BEING a runner (which, if you run, hello, you are a runner, regardless of anything else you tell yourself). This is FUN. And I get to do it!

And there was much rejoicing.

How are YOU finding the fun in your run again?

My April Running Story